Effective Santa Cruz property management relies on good communication. We are focused on communicating transparently and proactively with our owners, our tenants, our vendors, and all the other partners within our community that help us manage your property well.

Good communication requires excellent systems, innovative technology, and a willingness to be responsive and accessible.

Here’s what you can expect when you’re working with Santa Cruz property managers like us.

Technology and Real-Time Communication that Feels Personal

With all of the tools and technology available to Santa Cruz property managers today, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t have access to real-time information about your property and how it’s performing. When you’re working with a management company, you should expect an investment in good tech. There should be instant access to accounting information, inspection reports, general maintenance requests and invoices whenever you need them.

Tenants should expect to pay rent online and make maintenance requests online. This helps you, as an owner, because rent is less likely to be paid late when it’s collected online. Maintenance requests are less likely to be ignored when they’re documented and in writing.

Make sure you’re working with a management team that has invested in innovative technology. There are several good software systems that are customized for property management. It allows for online rent collection and direct deposit as well as transparent documentation. Communication improves when you don’t have to wait for a phone call; you can simply log onto your account and see what’s happening.

Customer Service Demands Open Communication

Communication is customer service. When your calls and messages are ignored, that’s not service.

Property managers will ensure communication is flowing and open. You won’t have to keep calling vendors and you won’t have to chase down late rent from tenants. There’s no need to poll attorneys when you need a security deposit question answered. All of the information you need is with your property manager, and they’re going to make it available to you when it’s needed.

This saves you time and stress. It delivers great customer service.

Prompt Responses to Santa Cruz Tenant Needs

You should also expect good communication for your tenants when you have a Santa Cruz property management company managing that relationship.

When something goes wrong, you need to know your property managers will be responsive and accessible. If there’s a maintenance emergency at the property such as a fire or a water leak, we will be prepared to take care of it right away. Not only will your tenant need our help; we’ll also want to protect the condition of your investment.

Non-emergency maintenance issues also require a prompt response. A good property management company will invest in preventative maintenance and communicate with your tenants about pest control, HVAC inspections and servicing, landscaping, and other ongoing concerns.

Good property managementGood property management leads to good communication. It’s better for you, your tenants, and your property. Would you like to hear more about our communication plans, expectations, and technology? Please contact us at Real Estate Eight Three One. We can answer all your Santa Cruz property management questions.

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