Property Management

Santa Cruz Tenant Screening – Why Credit Reports Aren’t Enough

Santa Cruz Tenant Screening - Why Credit Reports Aren’t Enough - Article Banner
Many landlords run a credit check when they’re screening tenants in Santa Cruz, but often they don’t do much more than that.

This is a mistake. To really protect yourself and your investment property, you need to do a thorough tenant screening which should include verifying income, searching for past evictions and criminal issues, and talking to current and former landlords. (more…)

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Should I Sell Or Rent My Santa Cruz Home?

Should I Sell Or Rent My Santa Cruz Home? - Article Banner
When you own some Santa Cruz real estate and you’re ready to move on, either leaving the area or buying another property or looking for other investment opportunities, you’ll need to decide whether you want to sell that existing property or rent it out.

There are pros and cons to both scenarios. Before you make the decision, consider your personal investment goals and financial position. Then, decide whether you think you’ve finished completely with this home or you still have more money to earn from it. (more…)

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How Long Will It Take To Rent My Santa Cruz Home?

How Long Will It Take To Rent My Santa Cruz Home? - Article banner
Santa Cruz’s geography, population, and economy makes it a unique rental market. You can’t really measure how your property will perform by looking at national or statewide data. Many of the rental property owners we work with want to know how long it will take to rent out their investment home.

Typically, that answer will depend on a number of factors, which we’re discussing today. (more…)

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Routine Rental Maintenance for Your Santa Cruz Property

Routine Rental Maintenance for Your Santa Cruz Property - Article Banner
Rental property maintenance is one of the most important responsibilities for any Santa Cruz property manager or landlord. If you’re managing your own property, make sure you’re prepared to take care of it. You’ll have to respond to emergencies as soon as they occur, and you should be just as responsive to routine repair requests so your tenants understand that you care about the property and their needs. (more…)

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Do You Need A Santa Cruz Property Manager Or Should You Manage It Yourself?

Do You Need A Santa Cruz Property Manager Or Should You Manage It Yourself? - Article Banner
Working with a professional Santa Cruz property management company can help you have a better and more successful investment experience. Many landlords think that they can save money by managing their own properties. The truth is, you often spend more as a self-managing landlord. That’s because mistakes are expensive, and so is the loss of your time and peace of mind. (more…)

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New CA Landlord Rental Law – Santa Cruz Property Management

New CA Landlord Rental Law - Santa Cruz Property Management - Article Banner
As you have probably heard by now, Governor Newsom signed The Tenant Protection Act of 2019 in October, limiting the amount that owners can increase rent on most properties over the next 10 years.

Today, we want to explain that new California landlord law, and tell you what to expect and why it matters. Remember that laws and regulations are changing all the time – on a federal, state, and local level. If you’re not keeping up with these legal changes, make sure you’re working with a professional Santa Cruz property management company that can help you. (more…)

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Good Times Santa Cruz: Buying is Still Cheaper Than Renting

Good Times Santa Cruz: Buying is Still Cheaper Than Renting

Every month, Suzy Rodoni-Silverberg writes a column for the Good Times Santa Cruz, sharing important information about real estate and property management for those living, renting, and buying in the greater Santa Cruz Area. This month, Suzy explores the renting vs. buying topic. Do you have a real estate or property management question that you’d like to have answered? Submit your question in the comments below! (more…)

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Who is Responsible, Landlord or Tenant?

Properly maintaining is an important part of rental property ownership. Not just because it is the property owner’s responsibility, it reduces owner liability, and helps to maintain the value of the investment. However, there are times when the tenant could be responsible and that can be a difficult situation for the property owner to address with the tenant. (more…)

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Tips For Good Landlord Tenant Relations

Many believe that once a tenant moves into a property all that is required is to “collect the rents”.  As a property manager I often hear this but know it is far from reality. Tenancy starts before the tenant moves in, progresses while the tenant resides in the property, and continues after the tenant moves out. Properly setting expectations up front will go a long way towards a good tenancy experience. Understanding landlord/tenant laws is the best protection for a landlord other than hiring a professional property manager. (more…)

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The Topic of Mold

Mold has been around for a long time. Literally as long as there have been living organisms. Therefore, it may seem strange that it has become such an important and potentially dangerous issue. However, mention the possibility of the existence of mold to any reputable Property Manager, it gains immediate and urgent attention. (more…)

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